
,2023年12月12日—Emulateadifferentbrowseronbing.comtoenabletheAIChat.Thisextensionmakesbing.comthinkyouareusingadifferentbrowserbychanging ...,ChatBot-AsAnEnabler-C#.BotEscalationSDK-.NET-API·C#AzureWeb...C#AzureWebAppBotv4asanEnableraddingContextServiceandChatActivity( ...,ChatBot-AsAnEnabler-NodeJS.NodeJSBotAsAnEnabler-AzureWebAppBot-ContextService·BotEscalationSDK-JavaScript-API·NodeJSBotAsA...

AI Chat Enabler for

2023年12月12日 — Emulate a different browser on to enable the AI Chat. This extension makes think you are using a different browser by changing ...

Chat Bot - As An Enabler - C#

Chat Bot - As An Enabler - C#. Bot Escalation SDK - .NET - API · C# Azure Web ... C# Azure Web App Bot v4 as an Enabler adding Context Service and Chat Activity ( ...

Chat Bot - As An Enabler - NodeJS

Chat Bot - As An Enabler - NodeJS. NodeJS Bot As An Enabler - Azure Web App Bot - Context Service · Bot Escalation SDK - JavaScript - API · NodeJS Bot As An ...

Facebook Chat Re-Enabler

2017年3月18日 — 為大家介紹可以擺脫臉書聊天用軟體「Messenger」的第三方應用「Facebook Chat Re-Enabler」,「Messenger」這個App 以FB 的功能來說其實是多餘的, ...


This extension makes think you are using a different browser by changing multiple User Agent headers, allowing the use of the AI Chat.


ChatHeadEnabler. An Xposed module that lets you choose between chat head and bubble in Facebook Messenger.

Stateless ChatGPT Enabler

The accelerator integrates Pega with Azure Chat GPT and utilizes the Artificial Intelligence without creating trained Large Language Model or any comprehensive ...

[NEW][MOD] Choose between Bubble and ChatHead in ...

2021年7月14日 — - Enable it from LSPosed Manager. - Restart Messenger app. Feature: By default, this module enables the chat head feature. If your device have ...